Administrative Board

The Foundation is administered by a 7-member Management Board, which is appointed by the Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs. The members serve a three-year term of office. The Board is the policy-making body of the Foundation and upon the recommendation of the Managing Director, adopts its social, scientific, research and development programme, its policy, as well as the annual budget and report of the Foundation. Furthermore, the Board is able to monitor and evaluate the actions taken by any Foundation body.

Angelique Dimitracopoulou


Kekos Dimitrios

Vice President
Mavroudi Anna

Managing Director

Gerasimos Spathis Member
Alexandra Koronaiou Member
Maria Pauli-Korre Member
(  ) Member

The Administrative Board includes, among others, university professors and executives with long professional and teaching experience in adult education, lifelong learning and youth. They are highly qualified professionals specialised in the fields of the Foundation’s competence and in particular in educational research, planning, implementation and assessment of European programmes for adults, young and vulnerable social groups.

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